

QUALYFAN helps you find the right fan!

DOWNLOAD QUALYFAN NOW: HW Ventilation fan selection software

HW Ventilation offers a range value-added services aimed at supporting our customers’ strategy.
We do not only design and sell products, but highly customized solutions and ad-hoc analyses to better satisfy our customers’ needs.

A user-friendly tool to help you find the best fan for your needs


QUALYFAN  fan selection software has been created by HW Ventilation to support our customers in their choice of the best fan solution for any particular applications.

QUALYFAN fan selection software contains a complete database of HW Ventilation fans whose performance levels have been recorded through testing in our AMCA 210-16 test chamber.

QUALYFAN fan selection software can also be utilized as a tool to support the development of  your own products, verify compliance with the European ErP Directive, and receive official ErP documents.

QUALYFAN fan selection software utilizes your application performance data, like power consumption, air flow, static pressure, noise levels to help you find the best HW Ventilation fan that satisfies your requirements.  The software provides a database of fans whose performance levels have been recorded through testing in our AMCA 210-16 wind tunnel.

QUALYFAN fan selection software is an extremely valuable source of technical information about our fans’ performances and their aerodynamic and noise emission diagrams.

QUALYFAN fan selection software has an extremely user friendly  interface, and can be utilized also by non-expert users.

Should you experience any problem in using QUALYFAN fan selection software, you can always rely on our knowledgeable technical team who is looking forward to helping you.